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The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon, The Book of Carol


Two weeks after choosing to save Laurent and stay in France for the time being, Daryl trains the boy in fighting the undead and clashes with Losang about his more violent ways compared to the Union of Hope’s pacifism. Daryl struggles with a feeling of not belonging and missing those that he left behind in America.

Production Company
AMC Networks
Creator & Showrunner
David Zabel
MPC VFX Supervisor
Sébastien Fauchère
MPC VFX Producer
Nicolas Nepveu

The MPC Paris teams are proud to have contributed to the creation of over 192 VFX shots for Season 2 of The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon, now available on AMC & AMC+ in the U.S. and on Paramount+ in France!

A huge round of applause to the 40 artists who worked tirelessly for seven months under the supervision of Sébastien Fauchère and VFX production by Nicolas Nepveu, for breathing (or rather, reanimating) life (or death!) into this apocalyptic world.


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